
The 4th Floor Block Party Offer


23 – 24 & 30 – 31 May


1:00pm – 8:00pm (Saturday)
12:00nn – 8:00pm (Sunday)

Asia/Hong_Kong The 4th Floor Block Party Offer DATE: 23 – 24 & 30 – 31 May
TIME: 1:00pm – 8:00pm (Saturday) 12:00nn – 8:00pm (Sunday)
4/F, Staunton

4/F, Staunton

Open Quote, GLUE Associates, Smith & Norbu, The HK Room, Delication, Oecoeco, Chailie Ho, The Refinery, Aly & Rachelle, Marijoli, Mondovi Lingerie Couture, Lorraine Lam

Welcome to join our ” Block Party ” !!

Mondovi Lingerie Couture, S413

Mondovi Lingerie Couture is designer label for high-end lingerie couture .
During the Block Party event , our shop will have special offer

  1. Receive a gift ” Rose scented ‘Enjoy Everyday’ Aroma diffuser Package Box Set ” when you spend more than $1,500 after discount.
  2. Buy any 2 cushion covers , get 1 free cushion inner. Only 4 cushion inners are available, so its a first come first serve.


  1. Customers will get a free tote bag upon any purchase over $2000. Only 7 bags are available, first come first serve.
  2. Upon any purchase, if you add $100 you can exchange for a silk scarf. (Specific designs only.)
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