
Life Size Portrait Workshop


13, 20 July 2024 (Saturday) & 14, 21 July 2024 (Sunday)
3, 10 August 2024 (Saturday) & 4 August 2024 (Sunday)


10:00am – 12:00pm / 2:00pm – 4:00pm / 4:30pm – 6:30pm

07/13/2024 10:00 08/10/2024 18:30 Asia/Hong_Kong Life Size Portrait Workshop DATE: 13, 20 July 2024 (Saturday) & 14, 21 July 2024 (Sunday) 3, 10 August 2024 (Saturday) & 4 August 2024 (Sunday)
TIME: 10:00am – 12:00pm / 2:00pm – 4:00pm / 4:30pm – 6:30pm
S505, Staunton

S505, Staunton

Fee (HKD)



+852 5506 2939

We love portrait expression and big art!

That’s why we have this Life Size Portrait workshop for kids to create 1:1 self-portraits.

It starts with a story time to inspire funny hairstyling, playful outfits, and unexpected backgrounds. Then, everyone strikes a pose laying on the canvas as we trace their outlines. Children begin their paintings from facial features, creating special colours for eyes, eyelashes, followed by imaginative hairstyles and clothes – fully self-directed.

(Check out our >>>RSVP<<< OPEN CALL for children’s life size portrait exhibition – Registration deadline on 12/8)

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