17 October 2020 (Saturday)
3:00pm – 4:00pm
S214, Staunton
Design Sharing:
An Unique 10 year Design Journey.
Biography of Designer
Tony Tam, Chief Designer / Founder DELTA BLUES AUDIO LIMITED
Tony was born, raised in HK and educated in Canada, he had developed a
career in investment banking for more than twenty years in HK and Tokyo
spanning from Private Equity to Fixed Income Trader. Since 2011, he decided to pursuit his teenage dream which was to design loudspeakers due to his passion in music and in exploring new ideas and
concepts. Without any formal training in industrial design, he went on winning international design awards with his signature “Resonant Speakers” series.
*WELCOME TO PUBLIC – Walk in , RSVP not needed.
Know more about Delta Blues Audio – Exhibition
Website: www.deltabluesaudio.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DELTA-BLUES-AUDIO-354917287972281
Instagram: @deltabluesaudio