6 October 2019 (Sunday) & 7 October 2019 (Monday)
12:00nn – 2:00pm/ 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Taste Library, H504, Hollywood
Members $150/ Non-members $220
Conducted mainly in Cantonese
+852 3481 3998
【When coffee meets curry…】
The definition of curry is rather broad. Basically, it is a sauce or a paste that consists of a mixture of spices, herbs, and some aromatic vegetables. As the food evolves over time, different countries or regions have their very own style of curry. As a matter of fact, there are lots of recipes and posts on social media that claim coffee is the ultimate secret ingredient for an awesome curry.
Since PMQ Coffee Agenda is back again in October, PMQ Taste Library is going to host this coffee curry cooking/ tasting event! Our curator Andy Dark will briefly talk about the history of curry and share tips on making different styles of curry. Of course, participants will get a chance to taste THREE different kinds of coffee curry, and see how coffee can enhance the flavor of one of our favorite food.
Sign up now! We are sure that this will a rare chance to taste so many different kinds of coffee curry at the same time!
Know more about Taste Library
Facebook: @PMQ Taste Library
Instagram: @pmqtastelibrary