20 September 2023 (Wednedsay) – 31 December 2023 (Sunday) (By appointment)
12:00nn – 6:00pm (45min each session)
S302, Staunton
$250/person (including material)
+852 3113 8138 / forachange@cammiechancheongsam.com
Design your own Cheongsam Art Craft Hanging Ornament with our hands-on workshop. Choose fabric and accessories, create patterns on a cheongsam cardboard, and craft a unique masterpiece. With expert guidance, learn cutting, folding, and assembly techniques. Personalize your creation with embellishments of your choice. Take home a symbol of your creativity and love for the cheongsam.
Know more about for a change
Website: cammiechancheongsam.com
Facebook www.facebook.com/forachangehk
Instagram: @forachangehk