
‘WE ARE PMQ’ Exhibition


14 April 2014 – 23 May 2014


10:00am – 8:00pm Daily


Various locations at PMQ

Admission Fee (HKD)

Free of Charge

As part of the Pre Opening programmes, PMQ has invited 28 designers and creative professionals from Hong Kong and abroad, to present their creative interpretations of “P”, “M” & “Q”. Through their works, they show their support to all young designers building their businesses in PMQ, as well as the infinite possibilities originated from PMQ’s spirit of “Co-creation & Participation.”

Special thanks to the following designers and creative professionals who have contributed to this exhibition:

  1. Anothermountainman
  2. Benny AU
  3. Craig AU YEUNG
  4. Boris BERLIN & Aleksej ISKOS
  5. Rosan BOSCH
  6. Arnault CASTEL
  7. Alan CHAN
  8. Jason CHAN Yu-chi
  9. CHOI Kim Hung
  10. Henry CHU
  11. Graphic airlines
  12. Chailie HO
  13. KAN Tai Keung
  14. Freeman LAU
  15. LAU Ying Ying
  16. KC LI
  17. William LIM
  18. Kai-yin LO
  19. Ken LO
  20. Benny LUK
  21. Jonathan MAK
  22. Prudence MAK
  23. Lyndon NERI
  25. Vivienne TAM
  26. Shin WONG
  27. Douglas YOUNG
  28. Danny YUNG

(in alphabetical order of their last name)

Find out what their P,M,Qs are and don’t forget to share yours with us @instagram #PMQis

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