11 May 2024 (Saturday)
18 May 2024 (Saturday)
3:00pm – 5:00pm
H504, Hollywood
$80 for each session
$140 (includes session #1 + #2, each participant will receive a TNS2 x PERKS limited edition pin)
How can design enhance brand and advertising value? Good design is to stand the test of time, or to catch the world trend? There are no absolute answer, let’s sit together and discuss together!
#01 Art.Entertainment
Date|11 May 2024(Sat)
Time|1500 – 1700
Guest speakers|
◯ Wong San Mun 黃新滿(平面設計師)
◯ Dee Lam 林明瀚(nocompany 創作總監)
◯ Joycelyn Choi 蔡靄兒(MOViE MOViE 行政總監)
#02 Brand.Commerce
Date|18 May 2024(Sat)
Time|1500 – 1700
Guest speakers|
◯ Benny Luk 陸國賢(Sixstation 創作總監)
◯ Toby Ng 伍廣圖(Toby Ng Design 創作總監)
Curator|Leumas To(Author of ‘’The Next Stage 2 ── Interviews with Young Design Talents’’)
Venue|PMQ Taste Library
Registration fee|$80 for each session, $140 includes session #1 + #2 (Each participant will receive a TNS2 x PERKS limited edition pin)
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/tns2n-tickets-894120276817?aff=oddtdtcreator
Know more about PMQ Taste Library
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jointpublishing.hk / www.facebook.com/PMQTasteLibrary
Instagram: @jpbooks.plus/ @pmqtastelibrary
Youtube: PMQ Taste Library