
“Reflection in Nature” Exhibition by DuoDotsDesign x FLOWplus


16 December 2017 (Saturday) – 26 February 2018 (Monday)


12:00nn – 6:00pm


S512, Staunton

Flowplus Ltd x DuoDotsDesign
Fee (HKD)


Reflection of the sky on the lake…
Reflection of nature into the living spaces…
Reflection of our mind and heart…
An art installation show to appreciate nature surrounding us.
Clay is an element of earth, FLOWplus will create mountains and lakes in ceramic. Duo Dots Design will develop clouds in the sky using intrigue lace, Xuan paper, translucent acrylic balls, folding silk to create illuminating and raining clouds; color changing LED lights to create daytime and evening mood. Visitors will explore the harmonious feeling created by the cloud, mountain and lighting in the art piece.

Know more about FlowPlusLiving
Facebook: FlowPlusLiving
Instagram: @Flowplusliving

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