
PMQ Creative Voice: DESIGN {PLAYS}


19 August 2023 (Saturday)


3:00pm – 4:00pm


S710-711, Staunton

Fee (HKD)


Since May 2018, PMQ Creative Voice has been organising regular design talks, inviting different units to explore specific topics from diverse perspectives. Through these design gatherings, we hope to discover good design and creative works, discuss latest insights, and strengthen connections within the design and creative community.

For the year 2023-24, PMQ Creative Voice presents “DESIGN { PLAYS }”, a series of multidisciplinary dialogues held once every season exploring how design can embody the spirit of “play”. From transforming play spaces to material innovation and playful design, we hope to discover how play broadens our imagination through unconventional methods and stimulates new creative possibilities.

“The Participatory Design Experiment On New Generation Playgrounds.”

In the first session DESIGN PLAY {GROUND}, we invite a group of play experts to discuss: why play and how to play? The speakers will share their recent engagement in revolutionising Hong Kong’s playgrounds through the eyes of its main users – children. From architecture to design, children’s rights, and social work, we will explore how participatory design can recreate a truly playful city.

After the sharing, participants may join an exhibition tour of “Unit Playmaking”, conducted by Kevin Siu, co-founder & director of AaaM Architects.

Date|19 August 2023 (Saturday)
Time|3:00pm – 3:50pm – Sharing
3:50pm – 4:00pm – Q&A
4:30pm – 5:00pm – “Unit Playmaking” Exhibition Tour Led by AaaM
Venue|S710-711, Block A, PMQ (35 Aberdeen Street, Central)
Registration| (limited seats based on first-come-first-served basis)


  • Kevin Siu (Co-founder & Director, AaaM Architects)
  • Ernest Poon (Assistant Manager (Play Environment), Playright Children’s Play Association)
  • Dylan Kwok (Designer)

About the Speakers:

Kevin Siu (Co-founder & Director, AaaM Architects)
As an architect, Kevin Siu is dedicated to innovative works in architecture, interiors, public art and creativity education to advocate the belief in architecture as a medium for culture and social interactions. In recent years, he has been adopting participatory design methods with children and community stakeholders to conceive and realize the next generation public playgrounds in Hong Kong.

Ernest Poon (Assistant Manager (Play Environment), Playright Children’s Play Association)
Ernest Poon is a passionate advocate for conversation. From searching for the modern significance of traditional cultural heritage, to giving a voice to children, Ernest Poon has always been keen to invite a broader understanding of possibilities amongst diverse realities, capabilities and experiences. Ernest has joined Playright Children’s Play Association and become a qualified CPSI since 2019, advocating for a playful society for all.

Dylan Kwok (Designer)
Dylan was born in Hong Kong and deeply influenced by different cultures. His early interest in Nordic socialism and minimalist design led him to pursue further studies and work in Finland. He is passionate about public spaces and creating projects that benefit the general public on a systemic level. Dylan enjoys engaging with users to understand their relationship with the environment. With his solid knowledge of construction, he designs works that meet the needs of the public. Dylan has actively participated in the co-curation of the “Together We Play” project, organising public consultations in Kwun Tong and Kowloon City districts.

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