
PERSPECTIVE: macro · micro


5 October 2019 (Saturday) – 16 November 2019 (Saturday)


10:00am – 8:00pm


H307, Verandah, Hollywood

Fee (HKD)


Perspective plays a significant role in life and art. Our feelings about the world around us stem in large part from our perspective, and the vantage point from which we view our lives. This exhibit challenges our perception of what is big and what is small, to help us not only observe, but also interact with the world in a new way. Small things enlarged, large things condensed—where do we find ourselves in it all?

Michelle Pardini is a Hong Konger who enjoys finding beauty in everyday life. She studied as a biologist, now teaches science, and takes inspiration from botanical and zoological forms. She is inspired by the patterns found in nature and mathematics, and loves to borrow from these in creating geometric motifs of her own. Her current medium of choice is relief printmaking, using mainly linoleum and rubber blocks.

Salome Tam is an artist and educator fond of correspondence, cartography, typography and botany. Her practice includes creating with and in nature, printing, book arts and painting. Working through various mediums, she has been exploring the telling of stories of self/place and the relationships and boundaries we create with the natural/constructed world. Currently she has been focusing on the circularity of place both in her environmental art pieces created with found ocean plastic and her painting projects—looking at landforms in Hong Kong and the world from space.

Michelle and Salome met in Hong Kong at the age of eleven and have been friends ever since. They share a love of owls, cemeteries and handwritten postcards sent from afar. Together they have explored a wide variety of creative pursuits including printmaking, watercolouring, jewellery design, ceramics and sewing. They are thrilled to finally collaborate on a show and share these new works with you.

Know more about Bizzie Bee
Website: www.bizziebee.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bizziebeecraftkits
Instagram: @bizziebeecraftkits

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