
“If you have【the silent breeze】” Exhibition


1 December 2015 (Tuesday) – 15 January 2016 (Friday)


12:30pm – 8:30pm


S401, Staunton

Fee (HKD)

Free of charge

Words x Design x Illustration x Printing

Memory as water, fantasy as cloud, carry on the journey of “If you have【a moment of landscape】” last year, Zu and Pi will hold the annual exhibition at PMQ 4/F Open Quote(S401) again from 1/12/15 to 15/1/16, titled “”If you have【the silent breeze】”. 12 drawings, which integrate engraving strokes in middle century technique and Scandinavian style, would be arranged as exlibris calendar. Besides, works of Mr. Yang Chung Ming from【324 print studio】Taiwan, and treasures of Mr. David Hui, founder of “Hong Kong Exlibris Association” will also be exhibited. Don’t miss it!

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