10 May 2023 (Wednesday) – 5 June 2023 (Monday)
11:00am – 7:00pm
S504-S505 & Verandah, Staunton
i-dart@tungwah.org.hk / +852 3598 2920
This exhibition is different from the usual graduation show. Using the Chinese punctuations「」!?《》…… as the theme, the punctuations will lead you on a journey to explore the teaching and learning of arts education for the people with different abilities.
Please come and visit to know more about the creation of the participating students and their learning process.
Know more about i-dArt Advanced Art Course Exhibition
Website: https://i-dart.tungwahcsd.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/idArtTWGHs
Instagram: @idart_twghs