
Good Design. Good Life


1 December 2017 (Fri) – 15 February 2018 (Thu)


1:00pm – 8:00pm


S603, Staunton

DMatters@Hong Kong Design Centre
Fee (HKD)


How design responds to life?

Perhaps design practitioners can drop some hints. We have invited 20 designers across various disciplines to lend us objects of their own which represent their habit, area of interest and emotional affiliation. Most importantly, we catch a glimpse of their design ideal responding to living.

20 objects share something in common: practical, thought-provoking and pleasant-looking. Each exhibit is regarded as unique and “good” in the designer’s eyes. Living realises good design which reflects good life. If you were asked to choose one thing to this exhibition, what would that be?

About DMatters

What “D” matters? Design. Desire. Dynamics. Dialogue.
DMatters, driven by curiosity, resilience and common sense, is a platform to foster interactions among business and design communities and the public to cultivate a good design culture. The programming in various formats like exhibition, salon and publication would help to foster wider and strategic use of design and to promote good design for economic wealth and societal wellbeing.

Know more about Hong Kong Design Centre
Website: www.hkdesigncentre.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hkdesigncentre
Instagram: @hk_design_centre
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hk_designcentre

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