
Floral installations exhibition “The Secrets of Flowers”


30 January, 2016 (Saturday) – 1 February, 2016 (Monday)


12:00nn – 6:30pm


H307, Hollywood

Fee (HKD)

Free of charge

The exhibition will feature floral installation works by Dr. Solomon Leong and Ikebana Master Mr. Ho Hin Shing from the Sogetsu School.

* Enrollment: Simply fill out our enrollment and return to school@solomonbloemen.com or call +852 2521 1798 to enroll. Since classes are small and popular, we advice early enrollment. Please note that all places are confirmed by payment.
Enrollment form and rules and regulations can be downloaded here:

Payment: We only accept bank transfer, cheque, or cash. If you pay by transfer, our account is HSBC 809 229 560 001. If you pay by cheque, it should be payable to ‘Solomon Bloemen ltd’.

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Solomonbloemen/

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