
Every Cloud has a Silver Lining- Group Exhibition by Alvin Li, Apple Tong, Chou Chiu Ming, Kevin Cheng and So Tat Shing


1 April 2021 (Thursday) – 30 April 2021 (Friday)


12:00nn – 7:00pm


H410, Hollywood

Fee (HKD)



+852 2623 2272 / enquiry@loupe.com.hk

Curatorial Statement:
In face of tough times and uncertainties, it may be easy to be lost in the thick dark clouds of despair. As exhausting and stressful as life may get, it is crucial not to let worry, disappointment, and frustration consume us. Instead we should always remain resilient and be ready to bounce back.

To spread such a message of hope, this group exhibition features artworks of five ADAM Arts’ artists, Alvin Li, Apple Tong, Chou Chiu Ming, Kevin Cheng and So Tat Shing, who differ widely from each other by the types of medium and styles in their art, but all share the common ground of using art as the sustenance to build courage and optimism whenever the going gets tough. These five expressive artists are also not shy to celebrate through their artworks the glorious aftermath when their treacherous moments in life are conquered.

One of the most powerful ways to cope with grim life moments is to step out and search for that sliver of hope. The five artists have certainly done it successfully as evidenced by their artworks. They also want to inspire others to do the same and remember that every dark cloud has a silver lining. Hence, be sure to catch the fairies of hope when they appear and flaunt their glittering dresses in front of you!

Curator: Julia Ip

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