2 April 2016 (Saturday) – 30 June 2016 (Thursday)
12:00nn – 8:00pm
S309, Staunton
Free of charge
+852 2121 1659
Is our brain good enough to function without the help of digital gadgets? Will computer replace our brain, to think, to remember, and finally to create?
Young textile artist Garling creates a series of tactile photography, by using weaving and cyanotype technique, to capture the memory of her father at the days of her childhood. It is not a pure image, but a tactile photography delivered from deep in her heart.
Fascinated by the magnificent neurolucida image of human brain’s neuron activities and connection, WHOSTHAT created a capsule range of fashion remind us, there is already a powerful gadget- brain naturally installed inside our skull. There is no reason not to use it.
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