5 July 2021 (Monday) – 16 July 2021 (Friday)
10:00am – 8:00pm
S502-503, Staunton
+852 3917 2136 / isabel.wong@hku.hk
Beyond What We See exhibits students’ investigations and theorisation about two kinds of observations as they explore the streets of Hong Kong. The exhibition juxtaposes healthy city science curves with students’ mind maps that explore links between the built environment and health, while setting a single theoretical economic curve against students’ discoveries of ‘Thomassons’, a quirky name given to the often quirky relics of urban obsolescence found in all cities.
Prof. Chris Webster – Dean, Faculty of Architecture
Mr. Mathew Pryor – Head, Division of Landscape Architecture
Mr. Nikolas Ettel – Lecturer, Division of Landscape Architecture
Curatorial Assistants:
Michelle Chan, Xinjie Jiang, Yadian Wang
First Year Faculty of Architecture students
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Isabel Wong of the Department of Architecture, HKU at (Tel: +852 3917 2136, Email: isabel.wong@hku.hk).
Please visit the HKU Architecture Gallery Webpage at (www.arch.hku.hk/events_index/exhibitions)
Know more about HKU Architecture Gallery
Website: www.arch.hku.hk/ www.arch.hku.hk/event_/beyond-what-we-see-first-year-students-interpreting-the-city-exhibition-pmq
Facebook: www.facebook.com/archhku
Instagram: @hkuarchitecture