
2019 Korean Young Artists Series Exhibition: Translation of the Difference


21 November 2019 (Thursday) – 4 January 2020 (Saturday)


10:00am – 6:00pm


6/F, Hollywood

Fee (HKD)


2019 Festive Korea presents the 2nd ‘Korean Young Artists Series (KYA)’ after the intial exhibition ‘Gray Navy Black’ last year. Through this exhibition series every year, KCC discovers not only the artists but also promising Korea-based curators and sometimes even ciritics.

While the theme of the 2018 KYA was about Korean contemporary fine arts, this year’s exhibition has a wider range of coverage and greater diversity.

KIM Joo-ok, the curator of Art Lab Korea and adjunct professor of Hongik University, together with five artists named KANG Hyunwook, KIM Inyoung, YOON Jewon, JUNG Goyona and JEONG Haemin, will visualize the ‘difference’ in their interpretations of things as an art piece of contemporary art in the form of analog-digital, conventional painting-modern painting and virtual-reality.

Know more about Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong
Website: http://hk.korean-culture.org/en/welcome
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kcchongkong
Instagram: @kcchongkong

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